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Council ‘abandoned’ residents during heavy snowfall

Nottinghamshire County Council has been accused of “abandoning” people after heavy snowfalls on Boxing Day.

Snow fell heavily during the evening across Nottinghamshire causing many to leave their vehicles by the roadside.

Liberal Democrat leader Jason Zadrozny claimed an area near King’s Mill Hospital in Sutton-in-Ashfield had not been gritted.

However, Labour councillor Kevin Greaves, responsible for highways, said Mr Zadrozny’s claims were “rubbish”.

‘Zombie apocalypse’

Mr Zadrozny, councillor for Sutton-in-Ashfield North, said he was inundated with complaints from residents who were “furious” at the lack of gritting vehicles.

He said: “It was incredibly frustrating we were abandoned by the council.

“It was like a zombie apocalypse here, there were so many cars abandoned in Mansfield and Ashfield.”

However, Mr Greaves said claims that the Labour-led council abandoned people were ridiculous.

He said: “A team has been on permanent stand-by since November. [Mr Zadrozny] hasn’t got his facts straight.”

Mr Greaves added that about 1,120 miles (1,802 km) of road had been gritted across the county.

Snow on Boxing Day in Mansfield
Many people left their cars as the heavy snow fell on Boxing Day evening

Simon Bunting, a vehicle recovery driver from Mansfield, said: “I went out on to the M1 on Friday and it was raining, then the snow came and it covered over really quickly.

“I went all over the East Midlands getting cars and I didn’t see a gritter until Sunday night. Now it is all icy and even my vehicle is beginning to slip around.”

Article courtesy of Mansfield Uncovered

Were the roads near you gritted? Comment below.